How to collect a nested point feature

A nested point feature is defined by a point feature recorded as a polyline vertex.

When collecting a polyline (line or polygon) you can record a point feature along it (will not be embedded into the polyline) or within it (will be embedded into the polyline, we call it a  polyline vertex or a nested point).


To collect a nested point feature, you must be recording a polyline feature. Refer to article How to collect a Polyline.

You can navigate through the nested feature attributes with the dropdown list or the arrows. If you use a custom dictionary with tag sheet feature (form), simply navigate trough your feature attributes with your stylus.

The first attribute is associated with the position and it gives you the possibility to retake the measurement , Edit it or make an Offset . If you use an entry form, the position can be accessed with and you can return to your entry form with.

When entering an attribute, you can define it as the new default value by clicking on .

If the nested feature is an average point, the progress bar indicates when the averaging is completed. You can set the duration of the averaging with File > Preferences > Tagging page. For more details, refer to article Configure feature point duration.

Once all Attributes have been entered, click on to save the nested feature attributes. If is not available, it means that some required attributes have not been entered. Once the attributes have been saved, the nested point captured will be displayed in the plan with currently edited polyline (displayed in red). Once the polyline is complete, close it with Open Feature icon > Close. Once closed, it is displayed in black in the plan view.

When a polyline is being captured, the Add Vertex icon is available, it allows to manually add vertices into a polyline.

 A polyline vertex can be a simple GNSS point (simple vertex) you want to add into your polyline (not a feature) .

 A vertex can also be a point feature (nested feature).

      When a vertex is a nested point feature:

1. Select the point feature (nested feature) you want to collect with > Vertex list (all point features available in your data dictionary are listed).

2. Click on Add Vertex to start the data capture of the selected nested feature and enter its attributes.


NOTE: to start or close a polyline with a nested feature, make sure the nested feature is selected (step 1 above) prior to start or close the polyline.

Article: 000074

Related Products: EZTag CE

Last Update: 2017-04-04 21:21:03

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