How to collect a Polyline feature

When a polyline is being captured, the Open Polyline and Add Vertex icons are available.


The Open Polyline icon allows to :


 Close an open polyline;

 Switch to Discrete or Switch to Continuous. A discrete polyline means that vertices are added manually in the line (with the Add Vertex icon). A continuous polyline means that vertices are added automatically according to your the Auto-Vertex setting (every few seconds or few meters);

 Go to the polyline Properties to edit the polyline attributes;

 Auto-vertex is useful for continuous polyline. It allows to add vertices automatically according to a predefined number of seconds or meters (can also be defined with File > Preferences > Tagging page, Auto-vertex...);

 The Vertex section allows you to nested a feature into your polyline. Refer to article How to collect a nested point feature for more details.


The Add Vertex icon allows to manually add vertices into a polyline.


 A polyline vertex can be a simple GNSS point (simple vertex) you want to add into your polyline (not a feature). It is useful to add vertices into a discrete polyline.

 A vertex can also be a point feature (nested feature). Refer to article How to collect a nested point feature for more details.

Before you collect polyline feature (line or polygon), you must Start a Survey with File > Start Survey.

Once a survey is started, the GNSS Survey Toolbar is displayed and allows to record GIS features.

The first icon ( in the example above) available on the GNSS Survey Toolbar gives access to the list of features available in the data dictionary. Click on the first icon and select the feature type you want to collect; the first icon will then represent the feature you just selected.


 Click on the Tag icon to start the data capture of the selected polyline (line or polygon). Once the data capture starts, you are able to enter the feature’s attributes.

You can navigate trough the feature’s attributes with the dropdown list or the arrows; If you use a custom dictionary with tag sheet feature (form), simply navigate trough your feature attributes with your stylus;

The first attribute is associated to the feature position. If you use a tag sheet form, the position can be accessed with. The position window gives information about the first polyline vertex, the first polyline vertex can be retaken , Edited or  Offsetted . If you use a tag sheet, return to your entry form with.

When entering an attribute, you can define it as the new default value by clicking on .

Once all Attributes have been entered, click on to save the feature attributes. If is not available, it means that some required attributes have not been entered.


The polyline will be displayed in the Plan View. It will be red when under construction and will be displayed in black once it is completed (closed).

For more details on features and attributes, refer to articles Default data dictionary and Use a custom data dictionary.

Article: 000073

Related Products: EZTag CE

Last Update: 2017-04-04 21:21:03

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